Campaign News

State of the WA-06 Race

May 13, 2024

TO: Interested Parties

RE: State of the WA-06 Race

DATE: May 13, 2024

Here are some important developments in the WA-06 race – with filing now closed and two Democrats, two Republicans, and an Independent candidate on the ballot, Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz is in the strongest position to prevail in the August 6th primary in a district that is favored for Democrats in the general.

The results are clear: Hilary Franz is the frontrunner, with a clear advantage in fundraising, polling, and on the ground support.

Hilary Franz continues to out raise Emily Randall. 

Hilary Franz has raised $820k compared to just $529k for Randall. And Franz had more cash on hand at the end of the first quarter ($580k) than our opponent raised throughout her entire campaign ($529k). Franz has $580k on hand compared to Randall’s $367k on hand – an anemic sum in a district entirely in the pricey Seattle media market.

Polling shows Hilary Franz in the lead.

A recent poll conducted by Upswing Research & Strategy on behalf of Emily Randall shows Hilary Franz up five among Democrats. Yes, our opponent’s poll shows us ahead of her.

Franz is endorsed by incumbent Rep. Derek Kilmer and continues to consolidate in-district support.

From Neah Bay to Commencement Bay, the Franz campaign has the most endorsements from in-district leaders, including Rep. Derek Kilmer, former Rep. Norm Dicks, the mayors of Tacoma, Aberdeen, Bremerton, Poulsbo, and many more. Franz is also endorsed by the National Organization for Women PAC, Democrats Serve, Tomorrow’s Jobs, and other organizations.

Hilary Franz is endorsed by more unions than any non-incumbent candidate in the country.

Hilary Franz is endorsed by more than 30 unions and counting – more than any other non-incumbent congressional candidate in the entire country. From the Firefighters to the Steelworkers to the Laborers and Teamsters, workers across the Sixth Congressional District are standing with Hilary because she’s had their backs, and they know she always will.

Hilary has the support of 13 Washington Tribes, while Randall was caught lying about her Tribal support.

Hilary’s campaign is supported by 13 of Washington’s Tribes, a recognition of her collaborative relationship with Tribes during her 28-year career. Tribes endorsing Franz include the Puyallup Tribe, Makah Tribe, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe, Lummi Nation, and many more.

Meanwhile, Emily Randall was recently caught lying about her Tribal support, falsely claiming to have the endorsement of Tribal leaders who actually endorsed Hilary.

Up Next

Hilary Franz, Nation’s Most-Labor Endorsed Non-Incumbent Congressional Candidate, Announces 35th Labor Endorsement

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