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KING 5 – Hilary Franz says in a ‘dysfunctional’ Congress, she can be effective

Dec 09, 2023

TACOMA, Wash. — State Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz is proud of her accomplishments in Olympia and she said she can do the same in Washington, D.C.

Last month, Franz announced she is running for the state’s sixth Congressional seat. Her announcement came the day after current U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer, D-Washington, said he will not seek a seventh term in 2024. Kilmer has endorsed Franz.

Franz said she has a history working with members of the legislature from both sides of the aisle, something that will be valuable in Congress, she added.

”It’s dysfunctional, absolutely, in Congress. The status quo is not working, it’s taking too long to get anything accomplished,” said Franz. “I believe I can make a difference similar to how I have made a difference in Washington state.”

Franz said she is proud of expanding the state’s firefighting abilities and taking steps to combat climate change.

Read more at KING 5.

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